Library for Gröebner basis computations over finite fields.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 oCTermRepresent a term
 oCTaggedPolynomialRepresent a tagged polynomial
 oCNodeListRepresent a node of the single chained list
 oCSingleListRepresent a single chained list
 oCPolynomialRepresent a polynomial
 oCMonomialArrayRepresent a array of monomials
 oCMonomialRepresent a monomial
 oCMatrixRepresent a matrix
 oCStatStructure used for statistics
 oCIdealRepresent an ideal
 oCElementPrimeRepresent an element of a prime field, this class is a POD (Plain Old Data) because of the alignement required in class Matrix
 oCElementGF2ExtensionRepresent an element of an extension of GF2, this class is a POD (Plain Old Data) because of the alignement required in class Matrix
 oCElementGF2Represent an element of the field GF(2), this class is a POD (Plain Old Data) because of the alignement required in class Matrix
 oCDynamicArrayRepresent a dynamic array whose the width is fixed, the memory is allocated by blocs
 oCCriticalPairRepresent a critical pair
 oCNodeAvlPolynomialRepresent a node of the AVL of polynomial
 oCAvlPolynomialRepresent an avl of triple (number of a polynomial, number of its leading monomial, number of terms)
 oCNodeAvlMonomialRepresent a node of the AVL of monomials
 oCAvlMonomialRepresent an avl of pair (number of a monomial, is leading monomial)
 oCNodeAvlCriticalPairRepresent a node of the AVL of critical pairs
 \CAvlCriticalPairRepresent an avl of critical pair