Library for Gröebner basis computations over finite fields.
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F4::Ideal< Element > Class Template Reference

Represent an ideal. More...

#include <ideal.h>

Public Member Functions

 Ideal (std::vector< Polynomial< Element >> &polynomialArray, int nbVariable, int capacity=100000, int degree=0)
 Constructor. More...
 ~Ideal ()
void printInfo () const
 Print _taggedPolynomialArray.
void printReducedGroebnerBasis (bool printBasis=false) const
 Print the reduced Groebner basis.
std::vector< std::string > getReducedGroebnerBasis () const
 Get the reduced Groebner basis as a vector of string.
void printReducedGroebnerBasis (string const filename, int64_t modulo) const
 Print the reduced Groebner basis in a file.
void printMonomialAvl ()
 Print _matMons.
void printTaggedPolynomialAvl () const
 Print _matPols.
void printMatrix (Matrix< Element > &mat, int *tabMon, int *sigma, string const &filename)
 Print mat.
int simplify (Monomial const &u, int numList)
 Simplify the product u*(_taggedPolynomialArray[numList].poly) by another polynomial with the same leading term but with less terms in its tail. More...
void update (int index, bool purge, Stat &stat)
 Update the set of critical pair and the current basis. More...
void appendMatrixF4 (CriticalPair< Element > &p, int &h, int &nbPiv)
 Update _matPols and _matMons with the critical pair p. More...
double transform (Matrix< Element > &mat, int *tabMon, int nbPiv, int *tau, int *sigma, int *startTail, int *endCol)
 Transform _matPols and _matMons into an almost tringular matrix. More...
Polynomial< Element > buildPolynomial (Element *row, int *tabMon, int width, int start, int *tau)
 Build a polynomial from a row of the F4 matrix. More...
void buildPolynomial (Polynomial< Element > &res, Element *row, int *tabMon, int width, int start, int *tau)
 Build a polynomial from a row of the F4 matrix. More...
void preprocessing (int &width, int &height, int &nbPiv)
 Add polynomials to _matPols in order to reduced queue of current polynomials. More...
bool postprocessing (Matrix< Element > &matrix, int *tabMon, int *sigma, int *tau, int height, int width, int heightReal, int nbPiv, Stat &stat)
 Rebuild _matPols from mat, update the basis and the set of critical pairs. More...
int f4 ()
 Compute a groebner basis of this using the F4 algorithm. More...

Private Attributes

std::vector< Polynomial
< Element > > 
int _nbVariable
int _numPol
int _numTot
int _numGen
std::vector< int > _total
std::vector< int > _basis
std::vector< TaggedPolynomial
< Element > > 
MonomialArray _monomialArray
AvlCriticalPair< Element > _criticalPairSet
vector< CriticalPair< Element > * > _cpSet0
vector< CriticalPair< Element > * > _cpSet1
vector< CriticalPair< Element > * > _cpSet2
vector< CriticalPair< Element > > _cpArray
AvlMonomial _matMons
AvlPolynomial _matPols

Detailed Description

template<typename Element>
class F4::Ideal< Element >

Represent an ideal.

tutorial-big-modulo-method3.cpp, tutorial-gf2-extension-method3.cpp, tutorial-gf2-method3.cpp, and tutorial-method3.cpp.

Definition at line 67 of file ideal.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename Element>
F4::Ideal< Element >::Ideal ( std::vector< Polynomial< Element >> &  polynomialArray,
int  nbVariable,
int  capacity = 100000,
int  degree = 0 


polynomialArrayArray of polynomials.
nbVariableNumber of variable of the polynomial ring.
capacityInitial size of _monomialArray.
degreeInitialise the monomial array up to monomial of degree "degree".

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Element>
void F4::Ideal< Element >::appendMatrixF4 ( CriticalPair< Element > &  p,
int &  h,
int &  nbPiv 

Update _matPols and _matMons with the critical pair p.

pCritical pair.
hHeight of the F4 matrix.
nbPivNumber of pivots in the the F4 matrix.
template<typename Element>
Polynomial<Element> F4::Ideal< Element >::buildPolynomial ( Element *  row,
int *  tabMon,
int  width,
int  start,
int *  tau 

Build a polynomial from a row of the F4 matrix.

tabMonArray of monomials involved in _matPols.
widthEnd of the row.
startBeginning of the row.
tautau[i]=column of the monomial tabMon[i].
Build polynomial.
template<typename Element>
void F4::Ideal< Element >::buildPolynomial ( Polynomial< Element > &  res,
Element *  row,
int *  tabMon,
int  width,
int  start,
int *  tau 

Build a polynomial from a row of the F4 matrix.

resResulting polynomial.
tabMonArray of monomials involved in _matPols.
widthEnd of the row.
startBeginning of the row.
tautau[i]=column of the monomial tabMon[i].
template<typename Element>
int F4::Ideal< Element >::f4 ( )

Compute a groebner basis of this using the F4 algorithm.

Number of generators of the groebner basis.
template<typename Element>
bool F4::Ideal< Element >::postprocessing ( Matrix< Element > &  matrix,
int *  tabMon,
int *  sigma,
int *  tau,
int  height,
int  width,
int  heightReal,
int  nbPiv,
Stat stat 

Rebuild _matPols from mat, update the basis and the set of critical pairs.

tabMonArray of monomials involved in _matPols.
sigmasigma[i]=index in tabMon of the column i monomial.
tautau[i]=column of the monomial tabMon[i].
heightHeight of the matrix before echelonize.
widthWidth of the matrix before echelonize.
heightRealHeight of the matrix after echelonize.
nbPivNumber of pivots in the the F4 matrix.
false if the computation end with a trivial groebner basis (1).
true otherwise.
template<typename Element>
void F4::Ideal< Element >::preprocessing ( int &  width,
int &  height,
int &  nbPiv 

Add polynomials to _matPols in order to reduced queue of current polynomials.

widthWidth of the F4 matrix (number of monomials).
heightHeight of the F4 matrix (number of polynomials).
nbPivNumber of pivots in the the F4 matrix.
template<typename Element>
int F4::Ideal< Element >::simplify ( Monomial const &  u,
int  numList 

Simplify the product u*(_taggedPolynomialArray[numList].poly) by another polynomial with the same leading term but with less terms in its tail.

numListIndex of a tagged polynomial in _taggedPolynomialArray.
Index of the simplified polynomial in the array Mon_Tab.
template<typename Element>
double F4::Ideal< Element >::transform ( Matrix< Element > &  mat,
int *  tabMon,
int  nbPiv,
int *  tau,
int *  sigma,
int *  startTail,
int *  endCol 

Transform _matPols and _matMons into an almost tringular matrix.

matMatrix to fill.
tabMonArray of monomials involved in _matPols.
nbPivNumber of pivots in the the F4 matrix.
tautau[i]=column of the monomial tabMon[i].
sigmasigma[i]=index in tabMon of the column i monomial.
startTailstartTail[i]=column of the first possibly non zero coefficient (in line i) after nbPiv if i < nbPiv. Otherwise startTail[i]=0.
endColendCol[i] = end of column i if i < nbPiv. Otherwise endCol[i]=end of column i without taking into account the lines under nbPiv.
Percentage of non zero coefficients in mat.
template<typename Element>
void F4::Ideal< Element >::update ( int  index,
bool  purge,
Stat stat 

Update the set of critical pair and the current basis.

indexIndex of a tagged polynomial in _taggedPolynomialArray.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename Element>
std::vector<int> F4::Ideal< Element >::_basis

Array of tagged polynomial index _total[_basis[i]] belongs to the basis

Definition at line 227 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
vector<CriticalPair<Element> > F4::Ideal< Element >::_cpArray

Dynamic array of critical pairs used in _cpSet0, _cpSet1 and _cpSet2.

Definition at line 234 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
vector<CriticalPair<Element> *> F4::Ideal< Element >::_cpSet0

Array of pointers on critical pairs for update

Definition at line 231 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
vector<CriticalPair<Element> *> F4::Ideal< Element >::_cpSet1

Array of pointers on critical pairs for update

Definition at line 232 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
vector<CriticalPair<Element> *> F4::Ideal< Element >::_cpSet2

Array of pointers on critical pairs for update

Definition at line 233 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
AvlCriticalPair<Element> F4::Ideal< Element >::_criticalPairSet

Set of critical pairs

Definition at line 230 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
AvlMonomial F4::Ideal< Element >::_matMons

Monomials used in _matPols, AVL of pair (numMon, lt) decreasing order

Definition at line 235 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
AvlPolynomial F4::Ideal< Element >::_matPols

F4 Matrix = AVL of triple (tagged polynomial index, numLM, nbTerms), decreasing order

Definition at line 236 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
MonomialArray F4::Ideal< Element >::_monomialArray

Array of monomials, endow with a tabulated product 2D array

Definition at line 229 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
int F4::Ideal< Element >::_nbVariable

Number of variables of the polynomial ring.

Definition at line 222 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
int F4::Ideal< Element >::_numGen

Size of _basis

Definition at line 225 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
int F4::Ideal< Element >::_numPol

Size of _taggedPolynomialArray

Definition at line 223 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
int F4::Ideal< Element >::_numTot

Size of _total

Definition at line 224 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
std::vector<Polynomial<Element> > F4::Ideal< Element >::_polynomialArray

Array of polynomials

Definition at line 221 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
std::vector<TaggedPolynomial<Element> > F4::Ideal< Element >::_taggedPolynomialArray

Array of tagged polynomials

Definition at line 228 of file ideal.h.

template<typename Element>
std::vector<int> F4::Ideal< Element >::_total

Array of tagged polynomial index, _total[i] is a stored multiple of a basis polynomial

Definition at line 226 of file ideal.h.

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